Mole Mountain
A dramatic mountain of granite juxtaposes the gently rolling fields it rises up from, and provides the rugged setting for this xeric landscape. A series of steps scales the rock face thus revealing a green tapestry of endemic northeastern American plants established in veins and pockets within the bedrock. A simple palette of plants was chosen to prevent soil erosion, withstand extreme drought on thin soil and provide year-round interest. The plantings include: lowbush blueberry, little bluestem, bottlebrush buckeye, New Jersey tea, sweetfern, three-leaved cinquefoil, bearberry, opuntia, and yucca.

Ceanothus Opuntia Andropogon

Cedrus Aesculus Chasmanthium

Glacial erratic

Heuchera Aesculus

Meadow on Rock

Sumac Daylily